1 year

Ia ora na !!!

This last week, I passes my one year mark as a missionary! So much has changed since I started. I've had so many amazing experiences, many hard and frustrating times, but have become so much closer to my God and to my Savior Jesus Christ. It's crazy to think I'm already at this point, and it's hard to believe the testimony I've grown since being out. I surprised myself! I'm thankful for all the support from back home, my lovely family, my friends, the ward members, and the people I've met while on the mission. Especially the other missionaries, their example has helped me become who I am!

Quite a couple new things for us this week, good and bad...

Our quarantine here in Tahiti has been extended to the 20th of September... They now don't show us any numbers, but we have received 60+ more medical staff in Tahiti to help in hospitals and such. They are hoping to make it more strict on going outside, we'll see how it works out.

Thank you for praying and fasting for French Polynesia and it's people. It really needs it right now, and I don't know what's in store but the people are strong and can make it, they need the help they can get.

As far as the work is going, me and my companion are apart of the Social Media team and are trying to get the mission started on advertisements and being more present online. We follow where the people will be so they have a chance to talk with us! Facebook and online work is still very new to the mission, so hopefully things can get going and we can see some success from it!

We had our late transfers today but me and my companion are staying here, with some new callings though! We hope to do the best we can, Elder Lee Chip Sao might finish his mission here with me. He finishes next transfer. We should be receiving two other Elders from the island of Rurutu as well for this confinement.

I'm doing well, adjustment is slow in confinement but I love being here and trying to work in a very different way than before. The gospel and the spirit never change though :)

Hope you all are doing well, the world is a crazy place to be right now. Prepare yourself for more to come and hold fast to the things that matter most. I hope you are able to find joy and happiness even right where you are!
A faaitoito mes amis, nana!!!!---Elder Sam Hansen :)