Home I have served the Lord for 2 years. These past couple days have been so so crazy and hard. I’ve said goodbye to so many friends, missionaries, members, and
Visits, Dr. P, and Tuatahi Kaoha nui mes chers frères et sœurs !!! It was a good week, we were able to find a couple people to teach through some members that actually want to do
Elder Ulisses Soares Kaoha nui mes chers frères et sœurs !! What a memorable week I had this week. Tahiti had the opportunity to be visited by Elder Soares, an Apostle of Jesus Christ,
The Temple Kaoha nui !! Eaha te hakatu?? This last two weeks have been alright, our ward needs a lot of help but we work with what we can and it's been a
Bah, en fait... Kaoha nui tatou!!! Well, we had transfers this last week and the unexpected happened! I got transferred from Erima to Papeete! Even though it's about 5 minutes away it's a
Itinerary Received! We received Elder Samuel Hansen's itinerary! He will be leaving Tahiti on September 6, going through San Francisco and arriving to Salt Lake City on September 7 in the afternoon!
News from our Mission President Tahiti Papeete Mission - Banner 2020-2023 [https://www.facebook.com/TahitiPapeeteMissionBanner?__cft__[0]=AZWJWv4MngITxFwYgewvCUqMTUOrPhfpLeyVHCASmAXxkV9wNaDZkXZSeze5uR1k8NFUOIExuq3h-3tPe4r2isqTaiQWaM0ciAlozVX7VincS3hABB11ghyz9HtBODbBhThTzlxDcnoOp6Yyzjfz_TYVMFEkcE3M3Z9TdVbgjGr5EjvPuzydDI3VUixdWAxInsAxKoQxg19cvNpTu6aAQuLQ&__tn__=-UC%2CP-y-R] Thank you for your continued love and prayers. They have been very
Back in Business Kaoha nui tatou ! Another two weeks have passed here in Erima, Tahiti! The time is zipping by really fast... Our amis are progressing! We have a couple named Hina and
Back in Tahiti (Sorry this email is from last week... Rosario) Kaoha nui, e Iaorana !!! Well, I've arrived back in Tahiti! Leaving Ua Huka was about one of the hardest things I've had
Transfers... Kaoha nui tout le monde!!! This week has been kind of long, we had quite a few days full of rain, and my bike tire popped and couldn't be fixed
A Hard Week Kaoha nui tout le monde! What a week it has been, it's been hard but we are pushing through. It started off Monday night, where we didn't have enough fuel
Still Alive Kaoha nui mes amis!!! It's been quite awhile since I've written an email. I'm still here on the island of Ua Huka with Elder Hiller, and we've had lots of
A New Companion Kaoha nui friends and family! What a couple busy weeks we've had! Last week was transfers, and we found out that I was staying and Elder Parau was leaving to
Service Projects... Transfers? (This email was sent by Elder Hansen 2 weeks ago and we just received it! His connection to internet is not great and sending emails seem to be difficult and
Preparing for a Branch in Ua Huka Kaoha nui !! It was a hard week but we had lots of good experiences! On Monday night we had a big family night we prepared for a Papi named Léon.
Tough Times in the Marquises Kaoha nui !!! It's been about a month since I last sent out an email. It's been quite a couple weeks, many things I won't be able to include in an
Our Newest Member, Ramana Kaoha nui!!! We spent the beginning part of our week in quarantine still, which wasn't too fun. We had lots of meetings which were great, hard online though... We occasionally
Rallying Horses and Covid... Kaoha nui !!! What a week it has been, and by what a week I mean that nothing happened... I actually started getting sick Tuesday morning and actually got tested positive
Killing Pigs for a Welcoming Kaoha nui !!! What a week it has been in Ua Huka! We've had a better chance to see and get to know the members here a lot more. Everything is
The Helicopter Ride Kaoha nui !!! What a week! We had a great time with the other Elders in Nuku Hiva trying to build the branch. We took advantage of the time together because
? UA HUKA ? Ka'oha nui !!! It's been a couple weeks since I've sent out an email ! A lot has happened especially this last week, because of transfers... My new area: Ua Huka, in
Powerful Lessons Iaorana !!!! This last week was good, we had some powerful lessons and our zone conference! We found out about our conference 3 days before so we weren't able to coordinate
Maeva i te Matahiti Api 2022!! Iaorana !!!! Happy New Year to all!! It was quite different as a missionary here in Tahiti. We had to stay at home new years eve starting at noon, lots of
Last December as a Missionary IAORANA, ET JOYEUX NOËL !!! What a crazy month it has been, it's been awhile since I've written an email... A lot of changes and things have happened since. I have
A Crazy Week It's been such a crazy week this last week, many things I can't explain in detail either so this won't be too long... We had a mission conference with the