26 New Missionaries

Iaorana mes amis!!

What a crazy couple of weeks, sorry I haven't written an email in awhile.

We had exchanges and I'm staying here with my companion Elder Avaeoru! We are taking the wards of Taharuu and Mahaiatea as usual. We recently got put on bikes, which I usually wouldn't mind but in order to go to church requires 30km total... We'll see how it goes, I'm hoping for some big thighs anyways haha.

Our boy Tenumeroa is really really good at drawing and here's a picture of some of the drawings we did. He's an awesome kid, and he is planning to be baptized, maybe even on Christmas day!! What a present that would be.

We met a member that I had contacted on Facebook awhile back. Super cool to see him while! (Saw after shooting a video, hence the P-Day attire haha)

We have been going out with the Relief Society in our ward to visit some of the inactive Sisters and help them come back to church. If we have enough people that come to church, they can hopefully build another church building that will be a LOT closer than the one right now...

Here's a picture of our zone before Elder Lee Chip Sao went home. He was such a great missionary and he helped me out a lot. He had an impact on the mission, and he loved showing how it had an impact on him.

We had fafaru again this last week! It apparently wasn't too strong but it still smelt like rotten eggs from the other side of the table... It wasn't too bad, not my favorite Tahitian plate though haha...

We have a lady we are teaching named Jenny and she's been seeking for the gospel for awhile now. She's looking for a change in her life and her families lives. She feels like satan is trying to stop her from learning more about Christ, I'm sure she would love your prayers.

We had 26 new missionaries come in this Friday, and because I had to drive some of them around I got to meet a lot of them!!! They are super cool, and they seemed pretty worried to come to a new place with so many new things (just like I was)! It was nice to talk with them and relate with them. Rumors are that 40 more new missionaries are coming in in December!! The mission will see lots of change...

Well, I think that's all I have for this week everyone! Thanks for reading along at my adventures here in Tahiti. You're reading the story of a young man seeing his life slowly change because of the gospel and learn about the world by experiencing it alongside the children of God.

I love you all ! Have a great week! Nana

Elder Hansen