IAORANA!!!!! Eaha to outou huru?!? (How are you all doing?!) My second week of Tahitian went by pretty fast but it was probably the hardest week I've had so far. I'm been very fatigued, overwhelmed, and stressed out. It's getting better though, I'm learning how to overcome these moments. It's hard but it's part of life, we got to overcome the hard moments to become better!

I taught my first lesson in Tahitian this week! No it did not go that well haha, but you have to start somewhere right? It was really the first time for me to realize what it's like to stretch in a language that isn't your own. I was so frustrated and I can't create sentences from my own mind quite yet so I had to read it off like a script. It's not the same and you can't teach from the spirit like that so I can't wait till I can. Tahitian is such an amazing language, I just can't wait till it becomes a part of me.


I got my french passport on Tuesday!!!!!!!! We made contact with the mission travel department and we'll see if anything comes out of it!! We have high hopes and continue to pray that the situation in the world can lessen up. So far I'm still going to Tempe, we'll see if anything changes in the week but the plan is still for Arizona thus far:)

Speaking of which, I have one week left in the HMTC until I leave for my assignment!!!! I'm almost out of here! Yes it will be sad and hard to leave home, but I'm ready to move past being stuck on a screen all day. November 2nd will make for 2 months as a missionary so far! It's going by fast... I'm ready to interact with real people and teach them about the wonderful things gospel has to make their life happier and more peaceful :)

I've been thinking a lot this week about my role as a missionary and why I'm here. I'm an 18 year old boy, leaving behind my chance to finally start my own life to help spread a gospel message to the world. I for one know that I do not have nearly enough knowledge in my age to help in things that this world needs. But, I think that's also the point. This gospel isn't very complicated, and just it's simple messages and truths can change someones life forever. That is powerful. I feel the pressure already, but it's important to remember that as long as I do the right things and I have faith, the Lord will help me and use me to hasten this work!

Just because missionaries do this full-time doesn't mean we as members don't have to do anything! It also doesn't mean you have to teach lessons and travel to Tahiti (most wouldn't complain haha), it just means to live the gospel, try just a little harder each day to be like Christ, and let others see that light! My whole life I have had the most spiritual promptings on the subject of charity. Every time I think about it, it makes me so so happy and it's all I ever want to do. I strongly, strongly believe that we need more charity in the world today. I believe that is the answer to everything.

1 Corinthians 13:8 - Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

If it can literally never fail, it's probably a good tactic to invite others to Christ... It's the arrow shot from a bow that will never miss the middle of the target.

Moroni 7:47-78 - But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.

The world needs so much of this right now, and it needs it from every single person. By small things great things are come to pass, that means it doesn't have to take a lot. A smile, some cookies, just asking how someone is doing can make a difference. Yeah it's cliche, but it's because it's so so so so true. I invite you to try a little harder at that and see what blessings you can see from it. You will see blessings come, I promise.

See you all in a week to report on my final week of the HMTC!!!!

A faaitoito to'u mau hoa!!! (Good luck my friends! :) )

Elder Hansen