Kaoha nui tout le monde!
What a week it has been, it's been hard but we are pushing through.
It started off Monday night, where we didn't have enough fuel in our lighter to light some mosquito repellent reils. We told ourselves it would be fine and so we left it... When we woke up we had literally hundreds of mosquito bites on our bodies haha! They itch a lot and we look pretty funny going around.

It's rained a lot this last week which is really good for Ua Huka, it's usually really dry.

One of our amis was making some tiki's, a lot bigger than the ones we work on haha!
As some of you might know, my grandma passed away this last week. I really wish I could be with my family and especially with my mom during this time. I loved her a lot, and even though she's been so far away, I've felt connected to her. Thank you for your messages and for the support toward my family :)

We also had a meeting with President Banner and his wife where they let us know that President Banner was diagnosed with AML, a rare and aggressive blood cancer. They're returning to the states to follow the procedures that aren't available here. We will miss them very dearly, they worked so so hard for us, and even though President Banner was tired or in the hospital, he continued to put his force towards the work. They are great examples. Keep them in your prayers as they face lots of new challenges and change !

What a week right? We had lots of good moments as well, awesome lessons, lots of adventures, and service. We continue to work hard and expect miracles. We are going through some afflictions but the Lord is standing near us and supporting us every step of the way. I know that for myself, and am a witness that God supports us at ALL times. I'm glad I'm serving a mission during this time, to know the gospel is a huge blessing.
Thank you all for reading :) Have a great week, stay safe, and look for the hands of God in your life.
Faaitoito, je vous aimes !
Elder Hansen :)