A New Companion

Kaoha nui friends and family! What a couple busy weeks we've had! Last week was transfers, and we found out that I was staying and Elder Parau was leaving to Tahiti. He was sad but felt good about being on his own island again. We found out on the day of his birthday as we were killing another pig...

Elder Hiller, Elder Parau and Elder Hansen

Our last couple days together we went to say lots of goodbyes to the wonderful people and members of this beautiful island. Elder Hiller is my new companion! It's pretty funny because he was serving on Nuku Hiva (the island closest to us), and we arrived together to the Marquises! He's from Colorado, super awesome, and is ready to get things really going. I'm extremely happy, things are about to get good.

We've spent this last week building the members trust up, preparing them for the branch creation, and for a trip to the temple in August. Things are hard here, but we're going to try our very hardest to help the most people we can. Jesus Christ faced LOTS of opposition, yet it never stopped him from completing everything His father asked of Him. I want to be like Him.

I cut my companion's hair a little bit this last week and I think we had some guardian angels helping me because I had no idea what I was doing.

We started filming some stories from our neighborhood grandpa, Papi Leon! Even though it's in french, he's quite a character to listen to. He's become an amazing friend of ours.

The time is running out really fast, and the end is becoming more real. I want to do as much good as I can before I leave these beautiful islands to go home. Who knows when I'll be back here? I want to see the progression of the gospel on this island. Ua Huka has become a home away from home.

I hope you all are doing well! I've felt pretty disconnected from all my friends and family back home, can't wait to see everything again in a couple months.

Hopefully more pictures this next week, we're hoping to go more places and see more people! Thank you all for your prayers on behalf of the missionaries, we definitely need it.

Koutau nui ia tatou, e mauruuru roa no to tatou kaoha no vau

Elder Hansen