Well, we are now beginning a quarantine that is expected to last two weeks at the least... It's been pretty hard, we've run out of our limited amount of data, where all of our work has been online. We keep trying our best and use the abundance of time to plan, talk, create meals, and study A TON.

I'm in love with it, I have read so much scripture and books that my mind is constantly swimming with the gospel. I've had a lot of cool experiences and learned a lot more about myself during this time than I ever have.

We are trying to work with a couple of our investigators on Facebook and in our wards. They seem to always fall through or get caught up in the events of COVID, but we are pushing forward hoping that someone can be prepared and we can teach them once we are out of our house...

We were able to visit the famous Teahupoo beach again before the lock down, this island and it's people are so incredible, I can't wait to go out and explore it more.

There is a book series called Saints, made by our church and it is amazing! I finished the first book this week and was so excited to hear of Addison Pratt (one of the first missionaries) to make his way here to islands of French Polynesia, specifically Tubuai. It would be cool to serve there! His descriptions of the people are still the same: heartwarming, kind, joyous, and compassionate beyond all I've seen. I too, like that first missionary, seek to help all of God's children return to His presence and find joy in this life and in the life to come. I ask myself often, what are my reasons for doing the things I do? What are my desires? Because I feel like sometime I get caught in a system or routine and forget why I'm even doing something in the first place. In order to determine your destination, you have to assess you current location. It's some deep questions, maybe take a moment to think the same thing!

Well, I don't have much to report for this week, nor do I think I will next week haha but I'll try to document our craziness this week...
I hope you all are well and that things are safe where you are. Keep pressing forward!

A Faaitoito!!!!

Elder Hansen