
Iaorana tout le monde!!
Sorry for not writing last week, it's been a crazy couple of weeks!!

For those who didn't hear, I was almost sent to Tahiti! The church canceled my flight to Arizona and said I was going to Tahiti in the next week! You better believe I was overwhelmed with emotions! But the next day they changed their mind and was sent of to Tempe later that day... kinda crazy! I was prepared to go to Arizona but with all the mix up it made it a little harder. They changed their mind because Corona is booming down there. So pray for Tahiti and for the situations around the world!

It's been so good here. I met my companions and went to our area which is around Casa Grande and Arizona City. I love it down here, and I LOVE my companions. We are so unified and they are a blast.

Elder Smart, Elder Larson and Elder Hansen - Service Project

My first week was kinda weird, trying to get use to actually being a missionary haha! But I loved it, we did so much service and I'm all about that. We have dinner almost every single night with a member and that is such a blessing for me to actually see real people! The members here are amazing, they have so many stories and experiences and they love the missionaries. I love it:) We aren't allowed to go contacting on the street or anything like that but we interact with all and any we can while out and about.

Almost two weeks in I feel like I'm getting pretty use to the system and how things work, still have so much to learn though. I'm loving it all though, I had an idea of what missionary work was like and it wasn't all good things. I had an idea of how I thought it would be best and went I came here it's how its been going!! Its centered on just helping people be better, and I love it! I love helping people and especially in this life right now, people just need someone to talk to and to hear them talk. That's what we do!

I've seen several little miracles while being here already and some are precious to me but I just have to say that I've been guided so much by the spirit, and if I could give any advice in my whole life it's to follow those little prompting to do something. It'll eat at you if you don't do it, and even when you do the weird little things you feel, you will feel so good and you never know what can happen.

I guess my little message for you all is about what I've experienced. I didn't know what it was like out here until I just did it. If you are scared about taking the next step or knowing what the gospel is really like in your life you just have to try it! Its like my mama always said, "you don't know what it tastes like until you try it" haha! Life is about the experiences we have, dont be afraid to experience them! Be courageous and remember what you stand for and who you are! God will help you as you do your part! Some of the only things you can control is your attitude, and if you try to be happy and keep it up I promise anything will go smoother. Control what you can control and let the rest happen and continue forward! I've become a lot happier by living this way, even though it can be hard sometimes.

I'm sorry I don't write so much, its a little harder to write from a phone... but if you have any questions or things you want to talk to me about send me an email, I'd love to hear from anyone!!!

Until next time friends!!!

Arriving to Arizona
Arizona Cactus