End of an Era...

Iaorana tout le monde!!

The transfer ended this last week and I had to say goodbye to pretty much everyone in my district. They all got send elsewhere and it made me pretty sad because we were really tight and we had a great time! But good things never seem to last very long... They even made me a song where each one of them had a part in it and it really touched me a ton, they made me so happy to be a district leader. They're so awesome and I can't wait for the day where we can reconnect again after the mission.

Here's a picture of me and my trainee Elder McShane saying goodbye to each other! He's off to Tempe and I hope the best for him.

Elder Hansen and Elder McShane

Elder Merrick, pictured in the beautiful hat he has, is one of my best friends I've had in the mission so far I'll miss him a ton, he's off to Yuma in a city called Wellton. What a cool place to be!!

Elder Merrick and Elder Hansen - Switching ties

I got a steak from one of our members in return for service and it was so so good but the church building didn't have any forks so I found a weird one...

My new companion Elder Sudweeks is awesome! He's from Long Island, New York, which is pretty cool. We have been getting along and it's going to be a good transfer I'm sure already. I'll take some pictures this next week for sure.

I've been kinda stressed out about running two wards at once but we are making it work. The Lord is helping us for sure. We'll be working it through and it'll be a great week I'm sure.

I still haven't received any news on Tahiti.

I'll try to get more pictures from this next week... Hope to talk to you all this next week!!!! Thanks for checking in on me!!


Elder Hansen