Gilbert, Arizona

Iaorana everyone!!!!

It's been so long since I've sent out a weekly email, sorry! It's been so crazy, so so much change has happened in the past couple weeks. So buckle up and get some reading glasses because this could get long haha! Stay tuned for the miracles :)

So since last week, I started to go say goodbye to the people I cared so much about in Arizona City. It was pretty hard and weird to be saying goodbye, I felt like I was just getting to really create good relationships. Pictures were drawn for me, I gave lots of hugs and high fives. I almost cried with Sal, I gave him a tie and he gave me a mask from Costa Rica. I'll include a couple photos of some of the people I got to say bye to.

There was two people I really wanted to say goodbye to, Paul and Woody. We stopped by Paul's house twice on Tuesday, and he hadn't answered. Transfers would take place the next morning at 9:00am... I was so sad! We then went to Woody's house to say my last goodbye, and he wasn't there either! I was pretty depressed that night packing all my things as I dwelt on Paul and Woody, and wanting to wish them the best in their life.

The next morning, I felt an impression to go to Paul's before we'd have to drive up to Tempe. It was pretty strong and my companions were kinda reluctant, as it didn't make much sense to stress ourselves in that time. I still wanted to do it. Paul's house was about 20 minutes away and we wouldn't have had time to talk very long so we left as soon as I was all packed up.
On the drive there, only 3 minutes from our house I spotted Paul's car, and then spotted Paul. He was here in the middle of nowhere talking to some dude! We pulled over and I was able to talk to him one last time, and take some pictures. He said he was pretty sad, and that he hoped it was one of the others that was leaving haha! He was on the way to a doctor's appointment and happened to pull over to talk to a buddy right where I would look for him. He found out he might need to get his leg amputated, so please pray for him and that everything can work smoothly and in the way it's suppose to. I'm so glad I could meet him and hopefully help a little in his journey. That was a such a divine miracle that I witnessed, the Lord placed us both at the exact spot over miles of land, at just the right time, so that I could say bye to a dear friend of mine.

Elder Hansen and Paul

I am currently serving in the El Dorado ward here in Gilbert! Now, it's not really in Gilbert because that's another mission, but I live in the little sliver that our mission has. Our area is just a couple blocks!! Such a change from two cities! My companion's name is Elder Nielsen, we are just a duo! He's an awesome missionary, he loves to work hard and I can't believe I'm training him myself. He kinda trains me instead so haha!

The ward here is so awesome, they are a lot younger than the ward out there in Arizona City. We have sports nights and I love them! There are a couple people who are from Polynesian countries or served in the Pacific, which makes me really happy. Hopefully I can find out how to get a lavalava soon!

Being a district leader is stressful, but I am liking it so far. It's hard to plan out district councils, but I love getting to know the missionaries in my district and helping them in the ways I can. I have 12 missionaries in my stewardship! We have about 34 missionaries in our whole zone, that's pretty big! This zone just got combined, Gilbert plus Mesa, so now we are known as one big Mesa Zone.
We have done a couple service opportunities with our zone, people are always so amazed when 30+ young adults come help them move in and out of homes. It goes by pretty fast, let me tell ya!

I'll miss being in Casa Grande and all the people I got to meet, but I'm excited for the future and how everything will work out. Plus, I'll definitely come back in the future to see how they're doing :)

Well, that pretty much sums up the past couple of weeks here in my missionary life! The work is so great and seeing so many tender mercies in my life over the past year since the pandemic started. I invite you to do the same, what things have changed in your life and miracles that have happened? You'll be surprised the more you analyze, promise.

I'd love to hear from everyone and anyone! My mission home address is still the same and feel free to send me an email!!!

I love you all so much. Stay strong, this has gone on for far too long. Look for answers in General Conference and look for Lord's hand in your life. Unique challenges will bring unique blessings. Keep to the faith until you can say what Paul said near the end of his life, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4:7)
Persevere to the End!

Elder Samuel Hansen