Joey's Baptism and the Haka!!

Iaorana!!!! Sorry I didn't write last week, we've been pretty busy!

We had the opportunity to do the Haka for some senior couples that are leaving our mission!! It made me really feel the culture of the islands. I hope to go to Tahiti someday.

We had a baptism for Joey!!! It was such an amazing experience and their family loved it. He was confirmed a member of our church in church the next day and they gave their testimonies. Joey impressed us all, I'm so proud of him!

We've been doing a ton of service the past couple days and it makes me so so happy. I love serving others with a passion!! We've washed cars, bagged bags of food for starving kids around the world, and organizing pallets at a food bank!

We made matching ties with Elder Stewart in our ward. I'm so happy I got to learn how to make ties, I'll probably be making lots more!

We celebrated Independence Day together as a zone and had a waffle party even! I loved feeling so patriotic.

I love my district, we play sports in the mornings twice a week and it's always super fun. We ate at IHOP this morning as a district and talked about where we are going for these next 6 weeks! I'm going to Chandler and I'll be in a trio again! I'm nervous but excited to know some old friends and make some new friends!!

We had a little party with a lot of the men in the McQueen ward and it was at the estates that have a lake in their backyard. One guy was super super good at wake boarding and was doing flips through the air and it was pretty fun to watch and be close to the water.

I'm excited to start this next transfer, nervous but ready to see more experiences in my mission. I haven't heard anything else yet for Tahiti, but hope that others will get their visas ready so that they can go!! Keep praying and being the wonderful person that you are, because I have no doubt that you are. Keep trying, and rely on the Lord!

Nana, I love you all!!

Elder Hansen