Kaoha nui !!!
What a week it has been in Ua Huka! We've had a better chance to see and get to know the members here a lot more. Everything is more personal and close here because of so few people here. The members have been struggling a lot and we really want to help them. I hope to stay here for awhile, even the rest of my mission.
Well, the title is in fact not misleading haha ! Tomorrow President Banner's counselors and the District Presidency are coming to Ua Huka to see what it's going to take to create a branch. We have lots of friends that hopefully will come, and to welcome our guests we want the best food we can do. So this last week me and my companion went with Taipi (new convert) to catch and kill some pigs! It was really good to learn. Definitely more work than driving to Walmart for some bacon, count your blessings.
As mentioned before, Taipi is a new convert here on Ua Huka. He's extremely humble and loves to learn more about the gospel. Soon he should be a Melchezedek Priesthood holder! We're excited for him. They have some really cool tools and weapons passed down from their family that we definitely had to take a picture next to.

Stay tuned for this next week, we have a baptism this week for our young friend Ramana! He's an amazing kid, he has a hard time hearing but is super humble, loves to lasso things, and is super willing to get baptized.
Here's a scripture I'd like to share with you as I've heard of things happening in the world right now:"Ye hear of wars in far countries, and you say that there will soon be great wars in far countries... if ye are prepared ye shall not fear." (D&C 38:28,30)
It's no secret in the scriptures that the last days are going to be insane. We can't change it, because it's the plan of God. What we can change, is ourselves! Preparing yourself is more than just coming to church, it's about our personal faith and testimony. If you prepare yourself, you have nothing to fear.
Love you guys! Have a great week and stay safe out there!
Faaitoito!!Elder Hansen