What a crazy month it has been, it's been awhile since I've written an email...

A lot of changes and things have happened since. I have been transfered to Arue near Papeete, still on the main island of Tahiti ! I'm really going to miss the people of Mahaiatea and Taharuu, I really grew a lot in those areas.

We were a trio for about a week with our dear Elder Lenoir before he left to his reassignment in Lyon, France. He's such an amazing missionary. He's a convert of 2 years, and had the desire to go serve a mission. He teaches with power and really wants to help other people learn about Jesus. I'm going to miss him.

Now it's me with Elder Lewis ! He's from Lehi Utah, and was reassigned to Colorado. He is a powerful missionary too, we are both going to be working pretty hard to improve our french as we struggle together to build up the ward of Erima here in Arue.

It was my birthday this month! It went really well, so many missionaries and members that really made it a special day for me. Thanks to all of you that wished me a happy birthday, it really made my month. I always felt really blessed during this month as people show so much love for me. It's my last Christmas as a missionary, and it was hard without my family. But I know what I'm doing here is worth everything.

We had a big missionary conference for two days where we sang, ate, and welcomed the new missionaries. It was really cool to see all the missionaries together. I'm a lot more used to being with the Tahitians, I'm not quite used to having lots of Americans around me again haha!

We had MLC this last week which was super awesome to see everyone working together to help the missionaries around us and push the work forward.

This next week, we have 8 or more missionaries coming into the mission. In February, 40+ are coming... The mission is growing a lot right now, lots of missionaries struggling together to learn the languages.

I'm so blessed to be here in Tahiti. It's so beautiful, and I connect more with the people here than in the states. I have many friends here, and it's going to be really hard to leave them. I love this gospel, and I love the islands of Tahiti.

Thanks again for reading my long email, and thanks for all you do for me:)

Nana la famille (Everyone is my family:) )

Orometua Hansen

Elder Lenoir, Elder Lewis and Elder Hansen
Tahiti Papeete Temple
Elder Hansen, Elder Lewis (from Lehi) and Elder Lenoir (from Tahiti going to France)
Christmas Mission Conference
Family Phone Call on Christmas
Happy Birthday Elder Hansen!
20 years old