Ia ora na !!!

We received the news that we are going to have less confinement starting this week! So we are going to be able to get out more, see our investigators, and our ward members! It's been a long time, and I'm really excited to see more of this wonderful place and people.

My french has been getting a little bit better since I've been living with more Tahitians and with the members of our small zone. I throw in a couple Tahitian words that I pick up from the other missionaries too and it makes me more confident, but I have a long way to go. Two languages at once isn't quite easy haha!

We had a lesson with a lady named Tihapai this last week through messenger from the result of an AD our mission just recently tried for the first time. As technology missionaries, we have been helping teach and train the missionaries how to use technology effectively and find people to help and teach! It's exciting to see the fruits of this work, Tihapai recently lost her husband and child to COVID and hearing our message about God's Plan for families was quite comforting. Moments like these make missionary life so worth it.


One of our Elders had a birthday and so we had a big breakfast and dinner and tried to do what we could to make it a fun day in quarantine!

It's such a blessing for me to be here. Of all the missionaries that are waiting patiently to come to their original mission, they send me. I really hope I can make the best of it and learn what I need to learn from my Heavenly Father. We all can't wait till more missionaries come here, we need them!

Sorry it's not too much this week, but hopefully more pictures and stories to come as we get to go out more this week haha!

A faaitoito mes amis! Nana!!
Elder Hansen :)