Maeva i te Matahiti Api 2022!!

Iaorana !!!!

Happy New Year to all!! It was quite different as a missionary here in Tahiti. We had to stay at home new years eve starting at noon, lots of people like to drink and party here making it dangerous for missionaries.

This past week has been kinda hard, because I've been sick with the flu! It put me down pretty good so it was really hard to go out this week, and a lot of people are scared of sicknesses so we had to do lots of online work this week... Hopefully this next week is better.

We have a new Elder with us now! His name is Elder Halverson, and he's actually been out for 18 months already. He just got here this last week and so we'll be a trio until further notice.

Elder Hansen, Elder Halverson and Elder Lewis

I got to see my MTC companion Elder Anderson too!!!! He finally made it here to Tahiti, I was so excited for him. He's going to do so much good work here. We HAD to take a picture together. So many memories, and weird how the time passes.

Elder Anderson and Elder Hansen

Tenumeroa got baptized on the 25th of December!! I wasn't able to go there since I got transfered, but I'm so so happy for him and the step he took to be baptized. I'll come see him again I'm sure!!

That's pretty much it for this week, just lots of sicknesses and food for the holidays haha!!!

Nana, et bonne semaine !!!

Elder Hansen  :)