The rate of spread of Covid in Tahiti has slowed somewhat but still is higher than it should be.  It is hard to determine how many active cases there are currently but a slower spread should bring active cases down as those large numbers of previously infected work their way through.  Hopefully this trend will continue to improve so that life can return somewhat to normal.  Vaccines arriving in the next few weeks  should also help calm fears and help us return to a more normal life.  

The number of Mission Presidents unable to get to their assignments have dropped from the original 55 down to only four.  Besides us, the other three are Japan, Peru and Russia.  Work on our visas through the Senator’s office continues but hasn’t yet produced the desired results.  We continue to scratch our head as to why vacationers are allowed to come but not long term residents.  The recent surge in Covid cases worldwide can be the only reason.  

Like so many missionaries, we are anxious to get to our originally assigned field of labor.  In the meantime we want to serve, and like so many others, we have been temporarily reassigned while we wait for our visas.  On December 3rd we will be leaving for the Temple Visitors Center in Laie Hawaii.  Officially it will put us in the same time zone as Tahiti and in the proximity of Tahitians who work at the Polynesian Cultural Center.  

We look so forward to be doing what we can to help move the work of the Lord forward in whatever way we can.   We have faith that he knows what is best and that his timing is perfect.  We are grateful that our service begins soon and look forward when we can all be together in Tahiti.  

We pray for all our missionaries and their success and well being.  A faaitoito noa!

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