News from President Banner

Thank you for your prayers, they have been answered!  After working with the Consulate General of France in Washington D.C. for several months, the church was able to get an exception to the current ban for long term visas with an appointment in San Francisco on December 30th.  Just today we received our visa and we will be flying to Tahiti on Thursday the 14th.  We are excited to finally be able to go.

This exception however, does not mean that the way is paved for all missionaries to get their visas.  The general ban for long term visas are still in effect.  Covid-19 cases remain high the United States and in France.  Covid cases in French Polynesia over the past couple of weeks have dropped to an average of around 80/day but are still elevated.  On January 7th, Tahiti also received 20,000 doses of covid vaccine.  These are positive developments and moving in the right direction.  We hope that these vaccines, along with the dropping number of covid cases, will lend to missionaries being able to return sooner rather than later.  

Being in Hawaii helped us get better acclimated to the Polynesia culture and the weather.  In addition, we could see first hand how missionary work around the world is being affected.  For example, there are almost 100 Sister missionaries at the Laie Visitors Center.  Normally there are 60.  These additional missionaries were originally assigned to serve in other missions from all around the world.  Of these, 13 have served beyond their 18 months and cannot get home because their borders are still closed.  One of theses sisters has now been serving for nearly 27 months.  That puts things in a different perspective altogether.  

Currently there are three Presidents not yet in their Missions.  Russia does not look promising for a while.  One is in Croatia, and has been for a little while, waiting to get into Latvia.  We thought they would be in by now as they have been close for a few weeks.  Then there is us.  Hopefully only Russia will be left by the end of the week!

The Lord is in charge.  We have faith that everything will work out as it is supposed to.  We put our faith and trust in him.  As it says in Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.  If we trust him and work hard, then we have the promise that victory will be ours as stated in D&C 103:36 All victory and glory is brought to pass unto you through your diligence, faithfulness and prayers of faith.  We look forward to working together with you in Christ, hopefully side by side.  

Thank you for all of your love and prayers.  

Keep it coming.


Président and Sister Banner