Kaoha nui!!!

We spent the beginning part of our week in quarantine still, which wasn't too fun. We had lots of meetings which were great, hard online though... We occasionally went down to the beach to enjoy the air and the sounds. We collected so many shells! The water is transparent, and the amount of fish is incredible. One day, we even saw huge sea turtles coming up for air!! It's so beautiful here, God has some pretty incredible creations.

A turtle

On Friday, we were able to come out of our confinement at last. We met some amis by no coincidence from God with some members and we gave them blessings. They really needed to feel divine love and we felt the spirit so strong.

On Saturday morning, we had the baptism of our dear friend Ramana. That is a day I'll never forget! He's so shy, but is smart and loving. He was determined to be baptized. His dream was to arrive to his baptism on horse, and he did it!! We went together into the water with the waves crashing into us, as he was baptized! He was smiling and laughing as he swam back to shore.

Ramana going to his baptism
Ramana's family

I was so happy for him and the steps he had taken to follow the Savior and be baptized. It seems so simple, but you almost can't explain the feelings it creates. Creating promises with God brings blessings beyond our comprehension.

On Sunday, he was confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We had a large feast after church to celebrate for Ramana, we definitely ate lots haha!

It's been really good for us to finally get out again. It might seem so safe and secure at home, but there are so many people that need help out there. Here, our whole neighborhood is aware of each other and their needs. They love each other, they help each other, and they support them in everything. The Marquisian people have been such an example to me of what true Christlike discipleship is.

Just a little bit ago, I passed 18 months on my mission. I only have 6 more months left to serve as a full time missionary! The time has passed so fast, but so much has happened in 18 months too. I've learned a lot and can't wait to see what work the Lord has in store for us these next few months.

"Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him."Psalms 91:14-15

Have a great week everyone! Kaoha nei au ia tatou :)

Elder Hansen  -  Missionnaire

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