Pro Bowler?


Last P-day we went bowling and I have no clue how but I bowled 146 points!!! It was so crazy and it was so fun, so honestly I should just go pro, haha!!

We had an awesome district council and took a picture afterwards. My district and zone is awesome, we are really trying to push the work forward. It's pretty hard right now because the COVID numbers are crazy, and so many people in our ward are getting covid, even our investigators. We keep trying though :)

We've had many small miracles this past week. We've met with many people that needed our support at that specific time! Chris is a new friend of ours that really wants to be baptized! He's our age and  seems so prepared, excited, and he's super funny. We had him come to a members house for a lesson and he knew the member!! They had no idea they lived so close to each other and it really was a testament that God works in mysterious ways.

I've come to the realization this week that life is too short to make a big deal out of small things. Sometimes we need to laugh and move on! We're here on this earth to make mistakes and move on and change, so we shouldn't get caught in the little details that are slowly shaping us or others. Being kind and loving those around us goes a long way, the relationships you have and the experiences you have and grow from are what you bring with you after this life. Learn to laugh and smile! Cheer someone on! Laugh when you make a little accident! Laugh when the joke wasn't even that funny! The world will become better and happier if we slowly start to make it that way one by one.

Have a great week everybody and look out for those in need, you might be exactly what they need.

Love you all! A la prochaine!

Elder Hansen

Oh, my district leader Elder Merrick says hi as he tries on my glasses :)