Quarantine Week


It's been a long week, we have been confined at home just to do online work. We worked pretty hard and ended up using all our data pretty much so these last couple days have been a struggle trying to work. I've been studying a ton which has definitely helped grow my testimony, really grateful for that.

We went to a part of our area that is super super pretty, Tautira! The valley was absolutely incredible.

The members fed us like crazy, and we aren't helping because we make big lunches for ourself too!! (Pictured, our homemade Carbonara)

On the subject of food, some of you may know that I am allergic to something very prevalent here in the islands... Fish... which swells my throat if I eat too much. A popular dish called poisson cru (raw fish in coconut milk) was delivered to us and I made the decision to try it. We prayed over our food and for me to be safe. No allergic reaction ever happened and I was able to enjoy the amazing meal. A real miracle from God, and I am so so blessed to be able to eat something I love, fish. God is good.
(Note from Rosario Hansen: his doctor in Utah told him to try the fish in Tahiti because it's fresh and it might be ok for him there. Also he has an EpiPen with him just in case).

Not much else has happened this last week, hopefully we get to get out more this next week! Enjoy the photos! I love you all, thank you so much for your support, prayers, and encouragement. Couldn't be here without you!

Nana mes frères et sœurs!!! Bon courage!!

Elder Hansen

Poisson cru