Kaoha nui !!!
What a week it has been, and by what a week I mean that nothing happened... I actually started getting sick Tuesday morning and actually got tested positive for Covid on Thursday. Crazy! In two years I've never caught covid until I get to a remote island...
So our week has been full of taking naps, killing hundreds of mosquitos with our new raquettes (featured in the photo of Elder Hansen in bed) reading for hours on end the scriptures and other material (which has been an amazing experience I enjoy each confinement) and making lemonade out of our citrous trees until we ran out sugar... (And the horses ate like, half of our trees??)

If you could tell, horses are the wild animal around here that likes to room into your yard and eat everything.
One day I woke up (with covid right) and I was barely getting out of bed when I noticed 20+ horses just chowing down on all our plants and fruits. I was livid. I ran out and started yelling in my pajamas through a broken throat and tried to coral all the horses out our broken fence. Poop was everywhere and everything in our plot of land had taken a hit. Sad day.
We made Tiki's with a member last P day and they are super cool! They love to create things here out of anything, they are very skilled in arts. The symbols and designs here are beautiful, meaningful, and ancient. They are an incredible people.

Thanks for reading along, sorry there wasn't much this week. Sorry if I haven't responded to your email or message, we just don't have service! We're thankful for the members/amis that come let us use their wifi :)
Have a great week! A faaitoito, in such a crazy world. Nana!
Elder Hansen