Iaorana!!! Eaha to ratou huru???

I don't even know what to talk about here, there has been so much that's happened but I don't remember anything. That's weird. Time goes by so fast!

This next week my companion is leaving to his next transfer: home! It's been a crazy couple of weeks for him. SO many miracles have happened too it's incredible.
Last Saturday we went to Tempe to see a baptism of a sister one of my companions had previously taught! It was incredible to see, and it was so touching. The whole day we had been running late everywhere, and we were running late to pick up some pizza for a member's family. We had to wait for like 30 minutes for it to be done.... but as we left with our pizza, a lady and her two kids came up to Elder Smart and was asking him something. She told him that she needed some money for gas to get to Phoenix. He happened to have a 20 dollar bill, and he gave it to her. Normally, we don't do this, as it can often not be true and people assume young men in fancy clothes must be rich... But as we drove away, Elder Smart told us he felt impressed to do so, that she probably prayed for that too happened and we were there to help her in that exact moment. We were late everywhere, but the Lord worked miracles even through that, and we were late for a reason.

That morning we got to chop away at a ton of cacti. When I say a ton, I mean, A TON. There was about an acre field and paddle cacti pretty much surrounded the entire field! I was swinging away with a machete for most of the time haha!! It was so cool, it'll probably be one of the funnest service projects I'll have!

We have two baptisms this coming weekend!!! I'm so so excited for them. Patrick is getting baptized on Sunday and we really hope it still happens. He's still struggling a little bit and we wonder if he's truly growing a testimony. Kaylee is getting baptized on Saturday and she is so so ready. She literally accepts everything we tell her and she loves it all. It makes me so so happy! When we met with her last, she even had another friend that is interested as well!!! So many miracles are happening and I love it.

President Goaslind came to our house on Sunday! (It wasn't too scary hehe) He talked to all three of us and was checking up on everyone in 'their natural habitat' haha! He gave us a message about missionary work and I'd like to share somethings he told us that made me really happy.

Missionary work can take many forms, sometimes it's service, or teaching, or loving people, or just being a friend! The point of missionary work is to bring people to Christ. A lot of people say it's to 'persuade' people, but our mission president said a word that I love. It's "influence"! Our purpose is to influence people with Christ and his attributes. That, is missionary work!

Tahiti hasn't had any cases in the past couple days! Woohoo! This may be getting closer to sending me out there! We will see what happens, but so far that is the only updates on Tahiti.

I love you guys! I hope this past week has been awesome, I pray for you all! Find joy in all the little things in your life, you never know when they will leave. You'll regret not taking advantage of them while you have them...

A faaitoito, see you next week!!!

Elder Hansen

2nd package received - Nutella was a must!
Received from the First Presidency