Sorry it's been a little bit as it's been a crazy couple of weeks, as I am now writing this email from Tahiti!!

I arrived here July 29th, flying from Phoenix to San Francisco, then to Tahiti! The island is so beautiful I probably will never stop taking and sending pictures of my adventures here.

I love President and Soeur Banner, they took great care of me and worked so hard to get me here. The situation here is pretty rough, there are only about 60 missionaries and Tahiti might be heading into another lockdown. We are seeing close to 700 new cases of COVID everyday, which is the worse they've seen... We are confined right now due to contact with an infected person and have about a week left till we can leave the house. Lots of online work to be taking place haha!!

I miss the Arizona Tempe Mission and all the missionaries and members I knew and love. I had to say goodbye to my companions Elder Rasmussen and Hansen, to President and Sister Goaslind, to the Chandler Zone, and to the mission via video. So many experiences where had there and I will never forget them.

We live in Vairao, on Tahiti-iti, or the smaller part of Tahiti. With so many less missionaries, we actually take care of all of the smaller island! It's so beautiful here, apparently on the most beautiful part of the island. Lot more quiet and the people are so so so kind, I love them so much. They speak more Tahitian here though, so I hope to pick it up quickly...

My companion is Elder Lee Chip Sao, and we get along super well. He knows French, Tahitian, English, and Tagalog, so he is well equipped to help me learn the language! He is helping me learn the culture of Tahiti as well as the mission. We can't wait for more missionaries to arrive.

There are mosquitos EVERYWHERE. Apparently our house is known throughout the mission for having lots of them. We have spray so don't worry haha. We see lizards crawl around our house all the time and yesterday a tarantula crawled out of a bowl I grabbed and 20 minutes of panic to get it outside insued...

The food is plentiful and I have loved all that I have received so far. Most meals consist of lots of fruits and bread and rice and meat. All my favorite kind of food :):)

Although we are confined and are trying to push the work forward, I'm enjoying life here very much. The people here aren't poor, they have what they need and they are happier than many I've seen in the states. It's truly a inspiration for me to see God in the details in my life and focus on true joy I can find through the gospel and those around me.

Well, this is what I have! My adventures and experiences to come, thank you for all your support and prayers in allowing me to have the experience of coming to this beautiful island and be with this beautiful people. I'm forever grateful for my God and His Son, that know me perfectly. It is their eternal calendar to direct, and I'm blessed to be an instrument in Their hands to allow other people and families to find their way to eternal life and happiness.

Hope to hear from you, Ua here au ia tatou! ( I love you all!)


Elder Hansen

Drinking from a coconut
A member who made dinner for the missionaries on the spot
His church building with the 2 signs, one in French, one in Tahitian
Surf and wave
A Tahitian member teaching him Tahitian.