Bonjour mes amis!!!

We had a pretty great week this week! We've been trying to teach a lot of people, some successful and some not so successful. We are still teaching Woody, he came to church last Sunday and it made me so happy to see him there!! He's so excited about this whole process and he loves the church and what we do. He would be what we call "elect" for sure.

We were trying to go to an appointment this last week and we were already running late when a train came out of nowhere! It was so long!! We waiting there for like 8 minutes for this some 3 mile long train to pass by... We hurried to the appointment and it went perfectly fine, we even meet another family member that came into the driveway at the exact same time we showed up. The Lord must have needed us to be there at that exact time for a reason, and right now we don't know why. If we had came to that train crossing maybe 10 seconds earlier we could have beat the train, yet it was perfectly timed to delay us. The Lord works in mysterious ways and you can't be frustrated, this is his work! We are only the instruments and his hands!

My companions are great, we joke around a lot and we are really starting to grow closer together, which is so important! Elder Carpenter is doing great starting in the mission, it can sometimes be hard for a lot of missionaries, but he's enjoying it!
We are starting to become pretty close to the food bank that is Coolidge, we love going there to do service, and they anticipate us every time.

I love this quote from Gordon B. Hinckley. Simply do what you can and in the way you know, and the Lord sees the effort you put. I know that this is so true especially as missionaries! We are a bunch of 19-21 year olds trying to spread the most important message in the world, we are so far from perfect. But we try our best and the Lord works through those efforts that we make. He can do the same for you in all you do! Just put him first, and trust in Him. He can change your life, I've seen it happen in my life and the lives of those we try to teach.

Sorry my week hasn't been so exciting, I'll try to take more pictures this next week! Trust in God a little more this week, I'm reminded of that each time I see "In God We Trust" on our US coins. We see that all the time yet we never think about it!

I love you all!!

Elder Samuel J. Hansen