Iaaa ora nnaaa!!!

Not too eventful week, we had a couple really fun lessons with some kids. I love teaching and learning from kids, they have a light that is such a relief in quite a crazy world.

We went off into the forest of Vaiari this last week in search for one of our investigators that lives so far he doesn't have access to phone or internet. We had such a blast riding around in our little truck, in such a beautiful place. The conditions of their homes would be considered quite poor in the states, but they smile and laugh as if they have everything they could ever need.

Me and my companion are a bunch of clowns. Laughter is the way to make friends and get to know people here. It's amazing how a smile or laugh can cure so so much.

We were able to see 4 new Elders be set apart this last week, all assigned to Tahiti. So we'll be seeing them really soon! What was really fun was I got to meet my companions family haha! A small island is a hard place to escape your family, when everyone on the island is pretty much your family haha.

We took a photo together as a zone at the end of our district council. I love these missionaries and all the things they do. They had powerful testimonies and faith.

We will be welcoming 10 foreign missionaries this next week!!! More Americans! And as more keep coming it will make the mission change more and more...

That's all for the week. Keep going strong, keep to the faith and hold strong to the values you have. You'll need them soon!!!

A faaitoito mes amis!Nana!!!

Elder Hansen