Kaoha nui !! Eaha te hakatu??

This last two weeks have been alright, our ward needs a lot of help but we work with what we can and it's been a fun time.

We have a couple friends that are really fun to talk to. Two in specific, named Tepoe and Rohi'au have become some good friends ! They are the neighborhood hoodlums and love to learn from the lessons. They just have a hard time giving up some things but we love them a lot. They might come to the states and I'll be their guide so I'll let you know when they're in town haha.

We were able to go to the temple with the family Lanteires this last week, and it was absolutely amazing. It's been about a year since I've been in the temple! I really needed it and it's given me a boost for these next couple weeks. I'll miss the Lanteires family, but I'll have to come back soon.

I have 3 weeks left on my mission! I'll be normally flying home the 6th of September and arrive the 7th... I will be really making the most of the time that's left...

This next week, we will have the opportunity to be with the Apostle Elder Ulisses Soares!! I'm super excited, it'll be my first time meeting an Apostle:) We'll hopefully have some great photos!

I hope you all are doing well, can't wait to see you all in a couple weeks! So many changes I'll have to catch up on, I'm excited to continue progressing on my path of discipleship, with all the lessons and experiences from these last 2 years.

Faaitoito, je vous aimes tous :):)

Elder Hansen