Bonjour et Iaorana!!!

It's been a long week, we tried to get lots of things done that we wanted to do! We made lots of trips to drop off cookies, played football for many hours with the neighborhood kids, and got to talk and meet a lot of inactive members this week!

While dropping off cookies, I noticed how interesting it was that when the person didn't answer the door, there was always someone nearby we could talk to very briefly. Just being visible as a missionary has quite an affect on the people around us. Especially now, because everyone is so use to distancing themselves from others, it's shocking to see two dressed up young men wanting to talk to people and help others! Definitely a testimony to me of how ministering should take place. Developing relationships with people is how you open doors for the gospel to be shared. Seek trust and love first, and my oh my how things change. Love those around you!

We learned how to tie a lava lava from one of the members in our ward! Brother and Sister Stewart served in the Marshall Islands/ Kiribati Mission and plan to go again in August! I love talking to them about the Pacific! I love them lots, they care so much for the work and they watch out for us all the time.

I heard that Tahiti will be opening it's borders May 1st! I don't know what that will mean for me, but I'm excited to see that things are moving in the right direction. Hopefully I can get my vaccine and make the process go faster! We'll see what happens, pray for the people of Arizona and Tahiti!

I go to play golf with some members on P-days sometimes, I'm learning but I kinda stink right now haha!

We got invited to a breakfast with a family in our ward and we felt like family to them, it was such a fun time :)

We had a ward breakfast and service project on Saturday! Me and my Zone Leader Elder Hurd helped our ward make some wipes for the Native American Reservation. It was fun and great to be apart of a project like that.

Well, that's been pretty much everything that's happened this last week! Sorry I don't have that many pictures this week, I'll try to do better:):) I hope everyone is doing okay, keep pressing forward, everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, that means it's not finished yet:) One of my favorite scriptures, 2 Nephi 22:2, "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also has become my salvation."

Hope to hear from you! Have a great week, A faaitoito!!!!

Elder Hansen