Flag Power Activate!!!

It's been quite a busy week, and not much exciting has happened. A lot of French learning and learning about the gospel!! It feels like it's gone pretty fast so far, only two more weeks in French left to go... I've learned so much in the MTC already, and so much more about this gospel than I really ever have in my life, and that in itself has been a real blessing for me. I really just needed to get the basics down and expand from there again and in doing so has been extremely amazing. I seriously see answers to prayer more now, I feel more happy, I have more energy, and I feel like my mind is opened. If any of you want to know how to feel that, start with the basics!

Learning to have faith is absolutely key, and you can build up that faith by first, praying often and with real intent, talk like you were actually talking to your father, because He is! Second, I recommend taking the time to read the scriptures, you can't build faith on something you don't constantly seek to understand, right? I learned that you don't have to always read through the scriptures beginning to end to "read the scriptures". Find scriptures on topics you have trouble understanding! Focus more on the quality of the scriptures you are reading instead of quantity. The Holy Ghost will speak to those who diligently seek to find the truth, I can promise that.

I was able to be with some of my friends from the district last Saturday for the first time!!! It was absolutely amazing to finally see the faces of the missionaries I've been looking through a screen for weeks... We had a blast playing pickleball and we talked about the adventures of 2020 and our crazy mission life so far.

I also taught my very first french TRC lesson on Friday!! It was pretty nerve racking, and I had no idea how it would go, but it went really well! Our amis "Dorothée" was so nice and really nice to us and our very basic understanding of french. However, I felt really bad for my companion because the moment she found out my mom was from France and that I grew up speaking it, she spoke much faster and it was a little overwhelming for my companion and even me... It was an amazing experience though, it's amazing how the spirit can still work through another language where you barely know what you are saying :)

I love you guys. Life is absolutely crazy right now, and I completely agree. The Savior knows too. Look to him for guidance, his gospel and the simple truths found in the scriptures can be applied to literally everything. Message/email me if you need any help at all, I'll be there for you!:)

We have too much fun with our teachers!
Elder Habel turned into a snake...

Elder Hansen :)