Hi everyone! It's definitely been a long week, having classes for so long each day on top of the other things we have to do is quite straining to say the least... But it's the good kind of learning and I've been learning so so much about French and about the gospel that it makes me so much more excited to go and do some work!

I taught my first two lessons this week through the TRC! They were in english (thank goodness), and they went really well! Both times we had to throw out our lessons because we felt we could talk about something else that would help our amis! So I most definitely felt the spirit multiple times and it really really surprised me. I would open my mouth with only single words floating around in my head, but I spoke and it sounded amazing!! I felt shocked as I was saying and I felt overwhelmed with this feeling of peace, because I was nervous about doing okay and that I would say the right words. I'm pretty sure me and my companion both said the right things because they both wanted to meet with us again! We got good scores from both of them too:) It really gave me hope that I will be okay when teaching in the field. I can't wait!

We've been growing closer together as a district and it's amazing for me. Because of corona I haven't really had the opportunity to be with a group of friends and really get to socialize. I've missed that a lot. I'll definitely have the opportunity these next two years to get to know people... Staring at a screen for pretty much all day definitely isn't the best and it hurts, but it's for a good reason I guess :)

A little bit of humor

Their teacher loves Shrek so they surprised her with this background

I have recently found an excellent passage of scripture that helps me when I feel I don't have faith or don't have hope that things will work out, Ether 12. The specific scripture that I feel is most helpful is verse 27, "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." We all aren't perfect, not even close. We all have weaknesses and faults. Sometimes we have a hard time being honest with ourselves or others that we do. But here is the promise that God makes: If you humble yourself before him, and have faith in him and in all he can do to help you -- he will make weak things strong, in you. I have many faults, and I knew that before I started the MTC. I earnestly prayed to God and admitted my weaknesses and I told him I would honestly and truly trust in Him, that he could help me. By doing so, I put my faith in him. Not joking, I have noticed a difference since then. I was able to teach those lessons this week through knowledge and power I didn't even know I had.

I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, that this church is true. It is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ that was once on the earth nearly 2000 years ago. No, it's definitely not perfect, because we are imperfect human beings. But it's message and truths are perfect. You know who is perfect?? God and Jesus Christ!!! Put your trust in them! Have faith and have hope, that is what will keep you happy in this trying times!! Keep on trying! In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Elder Hansen :)