It's been so long since I've written a weekly email, I'm really sorry... Not too many things have happened in the past couple weeks however, we are just working hard in the sun, biking, and working with my new companion Elder McShane!!
Elder McShane is straight from the MTC! I'll be training him for at least another 3 weeks. He's from Tricities Washington! He's a pretty cool guy and we get along and have been finding joy in the work!

Here are a couple pictures of my district! They are all such spectacular missionaries and I love them all, they work hard and they have wonderful personalities. We get together almost twice a week in the mornings to play sports!

I got to share the story in the little book called You Are Special with the Garner family! The kids loved it and they still remember it, it's an excellent story and would definitely recommend reading it.

We got together as a zone to create little hearts for Mother's Day and 'heart attacked' a couple doors in our wards! I love doing service projects together, service is so fun and it's where you get to practice what you teach!!

I went on a exchange with my zone leader and it was such a cool day, we got to see so many miracles from just talking to people and asking if there was anything we could do for them or if they were interested in hearing a message! It was pretty inspiring, I still have a hard time talking to people that are in the street because missionary work has changed a lot from the past. We have to be careful that we don't fall back into the old ways though, modern problems require modern solutions! I also went on an exchange with my old roommate Elder Ford, he's a great missionary and we had a pretty great day as well!
I took some better pictures for the motorcycle dudes we've been talking to on Saturday! I'm so thankful for my wonderful mom and family that sent me my camera and other things all the time. I definitely don't have an excuse to take more pictures now! I love going to see the motorcycles:)

I got the first dose of the vaccine on April 30th, and plan to get the second dose on May 27th! It didn't make me really sick, my arm was just pretty sore and I got pretty tired for the days afterwards. No updates on going to Tahiti, the vaccine should help though. The earliest time we could see me going is the middle of June, but we'll see.
Enjoy a picture of our Han Solo jello we got to have from the Stewarts on May 4th haha!

I hope you had a great Mother's Day yesterday! Mother's are amazing, I've definitely learned that more and more since I've been on a mission. I love my mom so much, and see so many hard working moms through all people I've met so far. I hope you take this spirit of respect and love for mother's and carry it on to the rest of the year, mom's are more important than just one day!
The heat is really climbing here in Arizona, it's kinda crazy. The worst is yet to come, bracing for 110+ °F and above...
Well, I hope to have more for next time but thanks for tuning in!!!! I love you all and hope everything is going well for you and your family!!
A bientôt!! Nana!
Elder Hansen