It's been a great week! It was the last week of this transfer so we tried to get lots of things done, and we had so many cool miracles come from our efforts!! I found out that I am staying here this next transfer, and I'm training a new missionary! It'll be a good time, I'm nervous but hoping that everything will be awesome!

One of the most exciting things happened on Saturday, I found a stunt motorcycle group!!! I had to stop and talk to them of course, and they're so cool! We talked to them about what it means to be a missionary and the things that we do nowadays! We hope to go there on Saturdays to talk to them and hopefully I can take some pictures for them and get to bring a good spirit and influence. I'll include some pictures I took!

Here's a picture of why yo-yo's are important to capturing the attention of children :):) They're a great family and I love them a ton! (see photo at the beginning of the post).

I love snakes and I got to play with this one almost every time I go over and he just slithers around!

We got to meet Gentry Stein today!! He's a yoyo World Champion! He did so many incredible tricks it was crazy!!! We got to talk to him and learn from him for almost two hours. He was super fun and nice to us:) He signed my yoyo!

Elder Nielsen graduated from training on Friday! It was a fun time and we surprised our trainees with some signs and poppers! They really enjoyed it and they got to practice all the lessons! I got to see my other son Elder Carpenter there too!!

We had a movie night and watched Meet the Mormons!! A couple of investigators from the other areas came to watch! So even if there wasn't a lot of people there it was worth it.

Well it's going to be a busy week but stay tuned to know who my new companion is and what comes of all the people I'm talking to! I love you all and hope that you have a great week!!!


Elder Hansen