Iaorana mes amis!!!!

It's been quite a week I'll have to say. We had so many lessons drop and not work out, which is a real bummer. Many people are either affected by Covid or use it as an excuse... But we've been able to do a ton of service and if you know me, that is one of my favorite parts of missionary work!!! We got to work in some horse pens and pet lots of horses, and got to build a little windmill! I didn't take pictures because we were hard at work but I'll remember to take them next time I go.

We went to a baptism in the Spanish branch on Saturday and it was so cool. The spirit works even through language barriers, and I loved the atmosphere there. Hispanics really do feed you a lot, and not finishing will offend them... I've gained ten pounds so far on the mission and for me, that is a very good thing hehe!

We had zone conference last Thursday! The other missionaries have been telling me ever since I started that zone conference's really stink. But they changed how zone conference worked this time and everyone loved it! President Goaslind and his wife came as well! There were a couple hours of teaching and instructions, and it was fun.

The Mission President for Tahiti finally made it there this week!!! They look so happy and excited, their visas finally came through and worked out for them! The process is slowly moving forward, we are just super glad that they could finally be in their mission. There is no update on visas for other missionaries, and no update for me either. We hope it opens the door for others to come back :)

This next upcoming week will be interesting, it is Elder Dryden's last week!! We'll have to make many trips to get him tested for Covid so he can make it on the plane to Korea, where his family currently is. We'll be praying it all works out!

We play football almost every Saturday with a group from the community and it's so fun! We have such a great time laughing and playing together.
Here is a picture of the beautiful sunsets we get almost every night here in Arizona...

Well I think that is all the news I have for this week.

I'd like to share a cool picture though that hopefully gets you thinking: ***Ladder picture****

Alma 37:6-7:
6 Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.
7 And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes; and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls.

Sometimes we see the people that are all the way at the top and we don't realize all the steps they took to be there. We can't just magically appear next to them either, or take it in massive steps! It's hard! Taking things one step at a time leads us to GREAT things over time. This is how the lord works too! Little blessings and miracles everyday can lead into the greatest blessings of your life. Try to become just a little better than the day before, and change comes.

I hope you guys have a wonderful week, stay safe and love those around you!!!


Elder Samuel Jan Hansen