Do you ever just have those weeks that are just so busy that you forget everything that you've done? So yeah, that's pretty much what's happening to me right now haha!

It's been awesome down here. The area is doing really really well and we are seeing miracles almost everyday. It's definitely a harvesting time I feel like and it's amazing. There are so many members and non-members that just love to talk with us and we are fed every single night. I love them so much!!! There are so many different people that live here and I love just listening to all their stories and lives.

Two Sundays ago when we went to church, we thought it would be just like normal but wow we were blessed. We somehow left church with several new people to teach that very day. We were so shocked, it was a miracle! One of those people is Kaylee, she was meeting with the missionaries just when COVID happened and then she moved and the missionaries got quarantined. Fast forward to that Sunday, she had moved back here and is READY TO BE BAPTIZED. We went to her house that night and among one of the very first words she told us was, "How do I become a member?" "What do I need to do to be baptized?" I couldn't even begin to try and explain how happy it made me! We put her on date to be baptized the 12th of December, so we are working for that date!! She has felt the spirit before and during our lessons and it's overwhelming, she loves it so much. She's ready to learn so much and I'm excited for her.

We were about to leave for the church the other night when I felt like playing with a hackesack with Elder Smart before we left. 15 minutes later we were leaving the apartment and saw there had been a bad accident from someone just leaving the apartment and got T-boned. Instantly me and Elder Smart realized that we were probably saved from that accident just then. It's kinda funny how God can work through your weaknesses.

We are waiting for the moment when we will be quarantined, covid cases are on the rise and we feel Arizona will follow the same mandates as Utah here pretty soon. I really hope not, I absolutely love being outside and talking with members face to face and actually meeting people who are interested in the gospel in person! The online MTC didn't let me have that experience, and I'm just eating up every opportunity here. You really become more grateful for things after they are gone and you realize how good they were.

We hiked Picacho Peak this last P-day and it was awesome!! It's been awhile since I've hiked, I was so sore but it was good. The view was absolutely amazing, I'll have some pictures attached that just show how high up we were! Didn't think I could get up that high in Arizona...

Hike to the top of Picacho Peak

That's why I'm so happy President Nelson gave us such an amazing message a couple weeks ago. How amazing was that?? We got to hear from a prophet of God, exclusively for 15 minutes, about a topic he had a prompting in the middle of the night to give. It's so important to look for the good in our lives, even when things don't seem so good, because you will be more happy and see how much you DO have. I have definitely come to know that as I have shared that message with many families and thought about it personally. Please don't forget the message! Apply it into the Christmas season! Christmas this year may be a little different for a lot of people, but what can we be grateful for? How can you share your light with other people, so that they can have one more reason to be grateful?

I think with everything that's gone on this year, we need to strive to make this season the best of it all. We should serve others more, look out for people in need, be grateful for what we do have, and #LightTheWorld!! I promise you that as you pray for more opportunities to do so, they will be given to you. There are so many in need. You will be blessed as you serve your friends and neighbors.

I love you all!! Thank you for reading about my experiences and the lessons I'm learning :) Send me and email or even a real letter, I'd love to hear from you!!

A faaitoito mes amis!!!

Elder Hansen

Elder Larson, Elder Smart and Elder Hansen